source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(306,24): Error: `name.ptr` cannot be used in `@safe` code, use `&name[0]` instead source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(322,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwInit` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(322,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) int function() nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(323,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwTerminate` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(323,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) void function() nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(324,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwGetVersion` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(324,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) void function(int*, int*, int*) nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(325,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwGetVersionString` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(325,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) const(char)* function() nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(326,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwSetErrorCallback` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(326,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) extern (C) void function(int, const(char)*) nothrow function(extern (C) void function(int, const(char)*) nothrow) nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(327,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwGetMonitors` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(327,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) GLFWmonitor** function(int*) nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(328,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwGetPrimaryMonitor` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(328,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) GLFWmonitor* function() nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(329,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwGetMonitorPos` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(329,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) void function(GLFWmonitor*, int*, int*) nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(330,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize` source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(330,20): Error: cast from `extern (C) void function(GLFWmonitor*, int*, int*) nothrow @nogc*` to `void**` not allowed in safe code source/bindbc/glfw/binddynamic.d(331,33): Error: `@safe` function `loadGLFW` cannot access `__gshared` data `glfwGetMonitorName` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.